What is a bespoke database?
A Bespoke Database is one that we put together for your specific business needs. It's not a database that you have to adapt to. It's one that fits how you and your company want to work. The bespoke database we write for you will solve numerous issues for your business and can be written to integrate with your existing software applications.
What's the benefit of a bespoke database over an off-the-shelf system?
You can choose from any number of off-the-shelf database and CRM products. Finding Solutions to Meet Your Business Needs
. Their suite of solutions may very well fulfill your business requirements. It is crucial to keep in mind that certain concessions may be necessary on your part. This could entail modifications to your team's operations and your own. The scale of these adjustments can slow you right down and leave your people, who are used to working in a familiar, efficient way, frustrated. Either that or the off-the-shelf product is simply over complicated for what you need.
Who holds the reins?
Off-the-shelf systems may lack input in future developments, resulting in the provider steering the product towards a direction that may not align with your needs, hindering your operations. Adapting to new developments may be necessary, potentially leading to missed beneficial features.
With bespoke database development, you’re in control of changes and advancements in the software. True – there will be a cost to this, but it can soon be offset by avoiding having to invest in a completely new off-the-shelf system every time your business needs change.
A competitive advantage
A bespoke database can give you the edge over your competition. They'll be using their own software – probably off-the-shelf and lacking your custom features. This can leave them slow and cumbersome when they need to be responding quickly to your innovations. In other words, you'll be leading from the front.
Does my organisation need a new database system?
To answer this question, you need to first ask these -
- Do we need a database that can be completely tailored to our organisation's workflow?
- Has our current database reached capacity? Does it need to be replaced or extended?
- Do we receive support for our current database?
- Has our database become too costly to maintain?
- Do we have fresh challenges or processes with which our existing database can't cope?
- Do we need to simplify and streamline our data collection?
- Do our managers need improved business insights, such as KPI monitoring and visual aids such as charts and graphs?
If you need a Bespoke CRM Software. We'd love to hear from you.
Get In Touch Call me backProviding your bespoke database – how we work
1. We consult
Here at Web Alliance, we design bespoke databases for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. Read here about some of those projects. We don't work on vague estimates. We'll give you a firm quote that we'll stick to. You'll know exactly where you stand. We work with your people to analyse exactly the system you need. We will be Presenting the Brief in a clear and concise format. Our team is committed to delivering the brief in an easy-to-understand manner. We guarantee that every person in your organisation will comprehend the content and fully understand how it will operate.
2. Developing your bespoke database
As we weave the threads of creation, we remain in constant communion, sharing our progress and notifying you of any unforeseen detours. Together, we'll chart a course through the stars, guided by a timeline of pivotal moments. These might be dates at which we expect to reach certain stages in the development, or they might be deadlines when we need information from you. Depending on the project, we might need you to sign off different aspects of the project throughout the development.
3. Migrating your data
Towards the end of the project, we'll need to migrate data from your existing database application. Undertaking the migration of your data can seem like a daunting task, but it is a necessary rite of passage when upgrading systems or transitioning to a new domain of magic. Before setting forth on this journey, it is vital to survey your data troves and discern the gems that you wish to transfer to your new kingdom of enchantment. This will safeguard your new system from the clutter of outdated or redundant information.
4. Hosting your bespoke database
Behold! A path to serenity lies ahead, for we offer a haven for your digital realm on our mystical servers. Rest easy, knowing that your database shall be guarded by our watchful spells. Or, if you prefer, we can harness the power of your own magical platform, or any other distant fortress of your choosing.
5. Security and efficiency with your bespoke database
Every forward-looking business needs software that provides valuable insights and is intuitive and secure. Your businesses may produce huge rafts of data. It’s vital that you store your data securely and use it effectively. That’s what a Web Alliance bespoke database will give you. Multiple people will be able to use it simultaneously and you’ll be able to introduce workflows that accelerate your processes, saving you time, resources and money.
Read our guide to Custom Database Application Development Best Practices to know more about how you can get the most out of your Bespoke Database Solutions.
Enjoy the benefits of a fully-functioning bespoke database system.
Call us today on 0800 677 1786 - we'd love to hear from you.
Dedicated Quick Support
We have a dedicated support department. You'll get access to our online support system and support contacts, enabling you to raise a ticket for the issues or changes. We resolve 80% of the issues within a couple of hours. The remaining 20% within around 48 – always keeping you up to date.We include three months of free support.
Truly Bespoke
Our software solution is fully bespoke to your specific business need, and you’ll be the owner of the proposed bespoke system. Our experienced account managers are quickly able to learn your existing working style and provide you with the completely Bespoke Software which will learn how you work so that you don't have to learn the software.
Latest Technology
The technology used in building your tailored software will be the latest at the industry standard and we keep updating the codebase according to the changes in the marketplace to be at the top of the game and your system will be based on up-to-date technology and NOT end up with an unsupportive system.
Device independent and compatibility
We make sure the custom software we built is fully responsive and tested on most of the possible devices ranging from Desktop, Laptop, Mobile Devices and all kinds of browsers, so it can give you all freedom to use your tailored system from any device and from anywhere you want.

Q. What is a bespoke database?
Q. What are the benefits of a bespoke database?
Q. How is a bespoke database created?
Q. What kind of data can a bespoke database handle?
Q. How much does a bespoke database cost?

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